Ready-mix Spice Powders/Podis

India is often called the ‘Land of Spices’ and rightly so. India houses several spice brands. Andhra Pradesh is globally well-known for its cuisine and culinary tradition. Andhra Pradesh is the best part for spicy food.  At Meenam Food Products, what make the food so special are the natural and quality ingredients that go into it, the secret recipe, the preparation & the traditional touch! They are free from added colors, preservatives, additives. No MSG. No Gluten. The powders are traditionally prepared in Andhra Guntur style. The specialty of our Powders/Podis is that they have wide ranging uses like serving as a 4 in 1.


  • Side Dish for Breakfast, Lunch /Dinner.
  • Instant Rice Mix Powder.
  • Natural Flavor Agent for almost all Curries etc.,
  • Add-on in Chapathi dough & Roti roll making.


     Our powders come as a savior when you are running short of time for preparing Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. Turn your meal into a tasty one by just adding a spoonful of any of our powders/podis and a spoon full of ghee. That’s all! Fantastic RICE MIX is ready without a room to be on pins and needles. Home-made powders are healthier when compared to factory ones.    


     Powders are inseparable from the Indian kitchen and buying is easy, as we deliver at your doorstep with a click on the mouse! They can spice up your life beyond boundaries as we deliver overseas too! Whether you are a housewife, a working youth, or a person away from home, longing for the taste of real Andhra food, choose FlavAroma podis for your flavoromatic gourmet. 

     “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This is very apt in the case of homemade pickles and powders as they are believed to bring many health benefits.